Quinto-Sánchez, M., Cintas, C., Silva de Cerqueira, C.C., Ramallo, V., Acuña-Alonzo, V., Adhikari, K., Castillo, L., Gomez-Valdés, J., Everardo, P., De Avila, F. and Hünemeier, T., 2017. Socioeconomic status is not related with facial fluctuating asymmetry: evidence from Latin-American populations. by celiacintas-admin | Nov 1, 2017
Cintas, C., Quinto-Sánchez, M., Acuña, V., Paschetta, C., De Azevedo, S., de Cerqueira, C.C.S., Ramallo, V., Gallo, C., Poletti, G., Bortolini, M.C. and Canizales-Quinteros, S., 2016. Automatic ear detection and feature extraction using geometric morphometrics and convolutional neural networks. by celiacintas-admin | Jun 30, 2017
de Azevedo, S., González, M.F., Cintas, C., Ramallo, V., Quinto-Sánchez, M., Márquez, F., Hünemeier, T., Paschetta, C., Ruderman, A., Navarro, P. and Pazos, B.A., 2017. Nasal airflow simulations suggest convergent adaptation in Neanderthals and modern humans. by celiacintas-admin | May 31, 2017